Legacy Hospice and Palliative Care has a dedicated hospice care team committed to providing compassionate services to individuals and families affected by a life-limiting illness. We stand by our belief that the last stages of one’s life can be filled hope, joy, and fulfillment. Through structured care services delivered by outstanding professionals, we are able to provide patients with nothing less than the best possible care that leads to greater happiness, peace, and an enhanced quality of life.
The Legacy Hospice and Palliative Care team consists of:
- Physician Medical Director
- Patient’s Attending Physician
- Skilled Nurses RN, LVN
- Certified Home Health Aide (CHHA)
- Medical Social Worker
- Chaplain
- Dietitian
- Volunteer
- Bereavement Coordinator
- Physical Therapist
- Therapist
Together, our team is able to meet the physical, social, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs of each and every single one of our patients. For further details, please get in touch with us today. You may call 909-342-7005.