Legacy Hospice and Palliative Care is dedicated to bringing comfort, dignity, and emotional support to patients and their loved ones. We provide a complete range of quality hospice care services and solutions that are structured around the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of those under our care.
Hospice Services We Provide
Through exceptional hospice care services structured around patients’ individual needs, we are able to greatly enhance their quality of life and maximize the time they have with their loved ones. Our services are tailored to meet the individual needs of our patients and their family members.
Battling a life-limiting illness is a constant challenge. It can take a physical and emotional toll on a patient and everyone involved in his or her care. We hope that with our services, we are somehow able to make life easier and more fulfilling for people going through this incredibly difficult situation.
Our coordinators are on standby to answer all your questions regarding hospice care. Feel free to call 909-342-7005 and talk to them.