Why donate to Legacy hospice?
Hospice programs cover a lot of things such as supplies, equipment, and medications. However, there are some things that Legacy Hospice and Palliative care provides that sets us apart from those who only provide the required minimum.
- Our Annual Memorial Celebration (An open picnic for all to attend)
- Our personal care products (shampoo, lotions, body wash)
- Our personal call pedants (24/7 response)
- Our community outreach programs (senior lunch programs, Volunteer support programs)
- Our additional therapies (Art, Music, Pet)
- Community food pantry programs (food banks)
At Legacy Hospice and Palliative Care, we are passionate about what we do; it’s a love and a calling. Currently our entire Palliative program is “pro bono” (unpaid). All services provided by our Palliative team are done as a donation with patients care in mind. The number of patients we are able to service under this program is directly impacted by the donations we receive.
Legacy Hospice and Palliative Care is grateful for any and all support. If you have any questions please contact us at any time.